23 October 2008

Translating America's Shared Concern with Children into Political Action

In a recent guest column in the Memphis Commercial Appeal, Center for Urban Policy director Doug Imig argued that the upcoming national elections offer a critical opportunity for voters to rally behind our shared concern with children's well-being. The future we ask policy makers to ensure for all children is one where kids arrive at the schoolhouse doors happy and healthy and ready to learn, where families are passionate about public schools, where students both excel academically and volunteer in their communities, and where teens graduate and avoid risky behaviors like becoming parents long before they are ready to shoulder adult responsibilities.

The science behind these findings is strong and persuasive, and the basic idea just makes intuitive sense: When we invest up front to set kids on the right path today, we are investing in the future health and strength of all own families and communities. It's time for us to realize that our concerns with children are shared, and that making smart choices now will improve their condition. It's time to demand that our candidates tell us what they will do to move the country in the direction we would choose for all our children.

To access the column, please visit:

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